What is the Florimond Volckaert Fund?
The fund was set up in 1954, in the name of the acknowledged founder of Skål, to provide assistance to Skålleagues and their immediate families who are in serious need of assistance.
How does it work?
If a Skålleague is in need of help, an application should be sent by the President of the Club or the International Councillors to the three Trustees. They will assess the request and quickly come to a decision.
Under what circumstances can help be requested?
There are inmumerable reasons why help is requested, for example:
- Loss of job and inability to meet financial obligations.
- Death of a Skålleague whose spouse needs assistance to pay schools fees for their children.
- Cost of surgical/hospital services which cannot be obtained elsewhere.
- Equipment for a physically disabled Skålleague so that the quality of life can be improved.
- Help for members and their immediate families affected by natural disasters.
- Financial assistance because of reduced income or as a result of prolonged illness.
These are just a very few examples of the forms of personal (not business) assistance that the Trustees have approved over the years.